Flag Birthday Cake - Easy to make instructions

Directions for making this flag birthday  cake:

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. Ice the cake in white buttercream icing, making sure that it is nice and smooth. Let it set for at least a half hour.

 With an icing filled bag and round tip #5 draw the flag on the cake top. You will use the round tip #5 to do all the outline work and the star tip #16 to do all the fill in work.

Flag Birthday Cake
 First make the stars on the flag with the white icing. Now outline the blue area of the flag with blue icing and then fill it in with the same color icing.

 Next make a red icing and outline all the red stripes with it. Fill them in with the same red icing. Outline the white stripes with white icing and fill them in with the same white icing.

 Next you are going to fill in the sides of the cake. Start on the back corner and make three straight rows of red, then three straight rows of white, and then three straight rows of blue. Repeat this pattern all the way around the cake.

 With the white icing and tip #18 make a shell border around the top and bottom edge of the cake sides. The message may be written on the cake board using tip #5.

> > > Flag Birthday Cake

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