About Us
In the Beginning...

Easy Birthday Cakes was created back in 2005 as a resource for people who wanted to make their own cakes for birthdays and other occasions.
My name is Cristy (the picture above is of me, my daughter Katy, and my Mom) and at first this site was created with cakes that my Mom, Cathy has made throughout the years.
She makes them for everyone in our family's birthday, special event etc. She also makes them for a lot of her friends and their families. She has been making them for over 40 years! That adds up to a lot of cakes. At first, there were hundreds of cakes on this site that she made herself.
Present Day...
Now, we have thousands of pictures of different cakes along with descriptions of how they were made. Since we first started sharing our cakes, others have started to contribute their cake creations to our site as well and it has grown to be a fantastic cake picture gallery.
The cakes on the site vary in difficulty, so the name "Easy Birthday Cakes" may or may not apply. There are some real works of art that have been submitted by our visitors over the years.
Thanks to visitors like you who have shared pictures of the cakes that they have made along with directions of how they made them.
Our Monthly Contests...
Since August of 2011, we have been holding a monthly cake decorating contest. If you would like the details and/or to enter you can submit your cake here. We would love to feature your cake on our site!
You can see all of the previous winning entries here.
We keep in touch with the announcements of the winners and anything else contest related on our Facebook Page so make sure you "Like" us so you can stay informed.
We also send out our newsletter once a month with a reminder that the contest deadline is close. It also has a link to to the winning entry(s) from the previous month as well as any other tidbits of news we have to share. If you would like to receive this monthly newsletter, you can sign up here.
If you would like to contact us...
If you would like to contact us with any questions or suggestions, please do so.
You can email us at info[at sign]easy-birthday-cakes.com or you can mail us at:
Kamaca Online, LLCP.O. Box 5524
Poland, OH 44514
or you can fill out our Contact Us form. That is the best way to reach us!