Movie Cake - A Fun Cake to Make

Easy directions for making this Movie cake:

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. With an icing filled bag and round tip #5 draw the movies design on the cake top. Cut the cake away from the design. You will be using the round tip #5 to do all the outline work and the star tip #16 to do all the fill in work.

Movie Cake

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With black icing outline the clipboard and the movie reel and film. Fill in the black areas on the top part of the clipboard. Write- Birthday Fun -on the top section of the clipboard.

Write Role,Scene, Take, and Director: in the proper sections. These are personalized to the birthday person, Role- #1 star, Scene-Birthday Party, Take, their age-8, and Director: their name and birth date. Now fill in the rest of the clipboard with white icing.

Moving to the movie reel and film fill in all the black areas,- note: the sections of the film are filled in with black and then around them filled in with dark brown. The movie reel is filled in with gray icing. Outline the tickets in a medium blue and fill in with the same blue icing.

Then with black icing write ticket on them. Make a red icing and outline the pop glass in red. Fill it in with the same red icing. The pop is made using brown and white and then swirling them together using a small fork. Use the same red icing and outline the popcorn bag. Fill in the red strips with the red icing.

Next fill in the white strips with white icing. Use the white icing and outline the popcorn. Fill in the popcorn with a light ivory icing. Fill in the few top areas and the sides of the cake with the ivory icing.

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