How to Make This Robot Cake
Easy directions for making a robot cake for your child's next birthday:
Bake a sheet cake the size that you need.
With an icing filled bag and
round tip, size #5, draw the robot shape on the cake top.

Cut the cake
away frm the robot shape.
Make a black icing and using the round tip,
size #7, outline the entire robot and his features.
Using the same black icing and the star tip, size #18, fill in the black areas on his mouth, eyes and eyebrows.
Related Cakes
Make a bright royal blue icing and fill in the top of the robot's head, nose and eyes using star tip, size #18.
Using the same size star tip #18 and white icing fill in the rest of the robot.
This is a really easy robot birthday cake to make. If you would like the pattern for this cake, you can download the free Robot Cake Pattern.