Musical Instrument Cakes
These musical instrument cakes are truly amazing cakes! There are several different cakes that have been made to look like many different types of musical instruments. These cakes would be perfect to make for anyone who loves music. They would also be perfect for any music event. So take a look below and gain lots of inspiration for making your very own musical instrument cakes.

This drum set cake is for an adult birthday. First of all I baked a 10"x10"x1" sponge cake. Then I used large, medium and small size of round cookies cutters to...

I made the 3D piano a week in advance using pastillage fondant. Every part of the piano is hand cut out and join together. Then on the day of the birthday I baked a...

I used two 9x13 cakes to make this guitar cake. I used one for the body and one for the neck and headstock. The tuning knobs were graham gold fish cracker "tails"...

To make this acoustic guitar cake, I baked two 11x15 cakes and one 9x13 cake. I stacked the 11x15 cakes and carved them out in the shape of the guitar body...

I made the guitar cake out of Rice Krispies treats because it was easier to cut and because kids often don't like cake anyway. I made a double batch in a jelly roll pan...

To make this AC/DC Cake, I used a guitar hero guitar as a base for my idea. Then drew it out on paper first. Then transferred the body of the guitar on to one...

I made this acoustic guitar cake for my son law. I used the guitar cake mold. It's an almond cake with almond mousse filling. I tried to draw the guitar details by...

This piano cake was for my daughter's choir director. I made it the same as my other piano cake. It is two spice cake mixes...

This bass guitar cake was made for a sixteenth birthday. I made four square cakes, cut them to look like a bass. The cake was caramel, with vanilla buttercream icing...

This drum cake was made for my son's 20th birthday. The cake itself is red velvet. The small "snare" drums were trimmed down because I didn't have smaller cake pans...

I made this guitar cake for a friend. I used a 2 layer sheet cake marble flavor. Chocolate buttercream filling and Italian Buttercream frosted. I filled the cake and cut into the guitar shape...

For these guitar cakes, I used the Wilton guitar pan and two cake mixes. I took the extra batter and made 2 loaf pans to to with the guitars...

The cake pan was a gift from a church friend. I was asked to make this cake for a couple "Paul & Nancy" celebrating their birthday. As Paul used to play music in our church...

To make this drum set cake, bake a sheet cake. With an icing filled bag and round tip, size #5, draw the drums on the cake top...

I made this drum set cake a few years ago for an old friend. I used 8 inch rounds on their sides, and cupcakes for cymbal stands, and I cut smaller drums out of cake...

Instead of making a grand piano, this time I choose an antique piano where I find it different from the other piano that I have done before. As requested by the owner to create a girl playing the piano...

To make this drum set cake, you will need: 10ins sponge tins - 6 drinking straws - 6 wood bbq skewers - 3 marshmallows - 3 jaffa cakes - colored roll icing...

Well first of all we got a image of a gibson sg and then we looked for the ingredients online for a victoria sponge and then bought three times as much the ingredients...

To make this guitar birthday cake, I used 3 cups all purpose flour, a cup milk, 1/2 cup veg oil, 1/2 lb butter, 2 teas. vanilla, 2 - 3 eggs. Beat with mixer 2 minutes...

I made this guitar cake for my father-in-law's 63rd birthday. He loves guitars and the Gretsch White Falcon is his favorite guitar...

To make this guitar cake, I just used a Wilton guitar pan and baked one spice cake, (box cake). I made some fondant and mixed color into it but left it marbled...

This guitar cake was so much to make. It was made from 2 half sheet cakes. I cutout one cake to resemble the body of the guitar, and the other for the neck...

This cake was forty inches long. The body of the guitar was cut from a large sheet cake. The neck of the guitar was from a 9 x 13 cake cut in half lengthwise...

The cake is iced in buttercream with royal icing decorations. I covered the guitar body with stars and smoothed out the black area to make the red center stand out...

I made a pattern from my grandson's guitar hero guitar. The arm of the guitar was formed with Rice Krispies treats, then covered with black fondant. String licorice was used for...

This guitar hero cake was submitted with Spanish instructions, below are the instructions as submitted. I don't know Spanish very well at all, but I ran the text through a translator tool...

I outlined the Guitar Hero guitar onto sturdy paper. As it was a groomsmans cake at my nephew's wedding, it had to be big. I used my 16x2 inch round wedding cake pan...

I made this guitar here (wii) birthday cake for my 8-year-old daughter Sydney, who loves Guitar Hero. I started by tracing the full-size guitar onto a piece of wax paper...

This guitar cake is a yellow cake with cookie dough frosting filling. The cake required two half sheet cakes cut into the shape of the guitar. All the decorating is done by hand...

This drum cake was made with fondant, white round cake layered and designed as a real drum!!! The drum sticks are sticks with fondant molded around it to look like drum sticks...

For this piano cake, I bought two aluminum throw away pans and baked two chocolate cakes with Betty Crocker's help. I filled the center with butter cream and then...

This guitar birthday cake turned out bigger than I expected. It was a lot of cake. I made four 9x13 lemon cream cakes. I cut them to look like a guitar...

I used one box cake mix, prepared and baked in the shape of a star. I used buttercream icing in 2 shades of blue and a small amount of grey...

This kareoke cake was made for a girl turning 25 who was big into music and singing kareoke. I made two 12" cakes, cut and stacked them, using skewers as support...

To make this guitar cake, I used a Wilton cake pan. The entire cake is frosted with butter cream frosting. I used foil for the chrome pieces. My son was very happy with it...

I used the Wilton guitar cake pan and a loaf pan. I baked the cake according to directions and let cool completely...

To make this Les Paul guitar cake, we downloaded a picture of a Les Paul guitar and enlarged it to make the templates. We used two 9" pans and...

I happened to make another piano cake for a lady who loves music. I hope you all love it. Compared to my 1st piano cake, it seemed like it was much easier to make...

I made this musical note cake with 2 devils food, 2 6" round and 1 9" square. I used buttercream icing to decorate with. I used a writer tip for everything but the edging...

I found this set for this piano cake at the flea market. It is a retired Wilton set. The pieces are plastic. But the cake is real! And the candy letters which you can't see...

Just sharing this piano birthday cake with you. Not so good but I enjoy doing it. My note: Lena, I think your cake is great...

This piano cake is a surprise for a cousin....I made 2 - 9"x 13" spice cakes. I used Betty Crocker boxed cake mixes and baked according to package directions...

This guitar cake was made using the Wilton guitar pan. I used one cake mix. One mix overfills the pan. I also used a loaf pan for the extra mix...

Bake a 10" or 12" round cake. You will use the round tip# 7 and black icing and draw the circle in the center of the record, and then the bigger circle for the record label...

Bake a sheet cake the size that you need. With icing filled bag and round tip #5 draw the drums on the cake top. Cut the cake away from the drum shape...

I made the Rock Star Guitar Cake for my little neighbor girl for her 11th birthday, and her party was appropriately themed “Rock Stars”. The cake was a big challenge for me to...

To make this bass guitar cake, I took a 10 inch round cake and layered it with buttercream icing in the middle, then made fondant musical notes and a fondant bass guitar and put on top...

This piano cake was made for a pianist friend of mine. I made 2 jam sponge cakes covered them with white regal ice then cut out the black and white keys and placed them around the cake...